Story 2: Celeste
This is Celeste, the female elephant of the animation series Babar. I think I was around 5 at the time, we were on a holiday and we visited a toy store. A GIANT toy store in my 5-year-old opinion, with closets as high as the sky (imagine book closets of Beauty and the Beast). Amidst all the other plushies, I found her.
Celeste was 60 Gilder (predecessor of the Euro). 60 Gilder was a lot of money. For a plushie.
Celeste was so beautiful, I had to have her.
I begged and pleaded all the while we were in the store. I think I can still imagine the rush of wanting her, since I experience the same buying clothes nowadays…
Anyway, I can be very persuading. My parents caved and bought Celeste.
A day later I had forgotten all about her. I think my parents tried very hard to make me remember, because I still remember now I never played with her and still feel kind of guilty.